Everything you need to get started with Schematic.
Up to 25 companies
Integration with Stripe
Unlimited flags
Unlimited features
Unlimited plans
1 environment
Unlimited users
Powerful features for teams and businesses.
Everything from Free
Integrations with SFDC and Hubspot
Audit log
Usage based metering
Premium support & onboarding
Included in every plan
Public API
SDKs for all major stacks
99.99% uptime
SOC-II Compliance
Slack based support
Local caching
How does pricing work?
Our Pro plan starts at $199/mo. We price based on company count and have volume discounts for bigger accounts. If you have a large number of free companies in Schematic, they will not impact pricing.
What is a company?
A company is an object in Schematic that represents an entity that uses your application. You may call it “organization” or “customer” or “account.”
What is a flag and feature?
Flags are gates that can be implemented within your application to manipulate access based on set of rules. Features represent user-facing features in your applications and are made up of flags. Features can be grouped into plans via entitlements.